Cartoons about Television . History . The Privy . Winter Sports . Kids . Longevity . Diet . Writers . Pets . Squirrels . Yoga . Games . Friends and more!
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With cartoons by Hilary Allison, Isabella Bannerman, Clay Bennett, Bizarro, Harry Bliss, Ruben Bolling, Matt Bors, Martin Bucella, Dave Coverly, John Darkow, J.C. Duffy, Clive Goddard, Martha Gradisher, John Grimes, Cameron Harvey, John Kastner, Ham Khan, Keith Knight, L.J. Kopf, Dennis Kuklok, Sara Lautman, Mary Lawton, Scott Masear, Chris Monroe, P.S. Mueller, Joel Pett, Rina Piccolo, K.A. Polzin, Hilary Price, Ted Rall, Maria Scrivan, Jim Shoenbill, Andy Singer, Jen Sorensen, Mark Stivers, Ward Sutton, Tom Tomorrow, Brad Veley, Matt Wuerker . . . and lots more!
What’s Your Superpower?
By Raymond Lesser
The Borowitz Report
By Andy Borowitz
Dear Overpriced Cable Company
By Jackie Allison
Ye Olde Homeowner’s Association
By David Martin
Outhouse Racing Right Up My Alley
By Bill Spencer
Cool Mom Hits The Slopes
By Gretchen Volk
Does Dodgeball Really Corrupt Kids?
By Lenore Skenazy
I Could Live How Long?
By Walt Wood
The Amazing Happiness Diet
By Tim Jones
Bad Cousin
By Abigail Henry
Squirrel King: Birdseed, Mayhem and Madness
By Jim Nolan
Yoga For The Not So Hot
By Joanie Mickle
Pass This Test
By A.G. Sloan
Cartoons about Pets
Curmudgeon on Kids
Cartoons about Friends
Dave Maleckar’s 100 Word Rant
News Of The Weird
Harper’s Index
News & Political Cartoons
I renewed my subscription yesterday for another 3 years. Did so online. Humor is essential for my sanity and survival and I’ve found your monthly compilations of cartoons and comedic essays to be the perfect remedy for my needs. I love your paper. In fact I feel as though if I didn’t have access to it I’d almost certainly suffer some kind of emotional crisis. There never seems to be enough smiles to go around but at least you’ve managed to keep one on my face for more than 2 decades. Keep up the good work. It’s critical.
Great paper. Can’t get enough of it.