Cartoons About Cats . America . Summer . Drinking . Travel and more!
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With cartoons by: Isabella Bannerman, Jennifer Berman, Meg Biddle, Bizarro, Harry Bliss, Ruben Bolling, Matt Bors, Martin Bucella, Jack Compère, Dave Coverly, J.C. Duffy, Bob Eckstein, Martha Gradisher, Cameron Harvey, Jeff Hobbs, John Kastner, Randy Klutts, Peter Kuper, Sara Lautman, Mary Lawton, Scott Masear, Brian McFadden, Steve McGinn, Chris Monroe, P.S. Mueller, Drew Panckeri, Matt Percival, Rina Piccolo, Hilary Price, Ted Rall, Leigh Rubin, Steve Sack, Maria Scrivan, Jim Shoenbill, Andy Singer, Anne Skove, Jen Sorensen, Mark Stivers, Ward Sutton, Tom Toles, Tom Tomorrow, Brad Veley, P.C. Vey, Bob Vojtko, Shannon Wheeler, Matt Wuerker, Zippy, Adam Zyglis . . . and lots more!
In This Issue:
What We Get
By Raymond Lesser
An Important Message From Your Cat
By Tim Jones
The Civil War II
By David Martin
Poverty Eliminated!
By Chris Hume
The Borowitz Report
By Andy Borowitz
Two, Please, Sonny!
By Peter McKay
Summer’s Licks
By Lenore Skenazy
Life’s Too Short To Wear White Underwear
By Jackie Allison
Feel The Electricity
By Leigh Anne Jasheway
Fiction Is Stranger Than Truth
By Ali Solomon
The Power Of Grudges
By Robert Moll
Review Of The Planet Earth
By Jacques LaLiberte
Don’t Bite Off More Than You Can Choose
By A.G. Sloan
Cartoons about Travel
Curmudgeon looks at Travel USA
Cartoons about Drinking At The Bar
Dave Maleckar’s 100 Word Rant
News Of The Weird
Cartoons about Livestock
Harper’s Index
News & Political Cartoons
So, what’s the deal? We pays our subscription fee and gets a whole year online (and a version for our “hot little hands”)?…Still $25? * Have many back-issues which have left us in stitches….and-as a D.C.–my surgeon buddy tells me it’s about time to remove the sutures, dammit!! And, what is the deal with the “New York satellite?” Can we get additional TV channels via that puppy?
Dr. Halle
(AKA The Phantom…also, Bill Benton (my old “radio name”), Samuel Clemens (for Amazon book reviews)…et al)
* Hope no mas…as we’re living on SS (and “on fumes”) these days.
Over and out!!!!
Don’t know much about history, don’t know much biology, don’t know what a slide rule is for, but I do know that the Robert Moll piece was very good. It is too hot and my wife snores in the master bedroom where the a.c. but Mr. Moll came through in the hot other bedroom I sleep in. Really clever and funny. His piece, I mean. This is a testament to how good it is. It is 3:51 a.m., it is 80 degrees,I haven’t slept a wink and I, nevertheless, found it funny. I also found a number of things funny in this month’s edition. Jacques Laliberte’s was very good, too. Andy Borowitz. Believe it or not, this is the first time I have paid any attention to his stuff. I like it (I know, everybody already does). Etc. Is it the heat, the tiredness, the annoyance at not going to sleep or is it just a quality effort on the part of all the assembled talent? We get a guy who wants to build a wall and wants the Mexicans to pay for it. Ever heard of the game “what doesn’t belong and why?”