America’s Funniest Newspaper, est. 1985

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We’re Not Going Back

Ray and Renae put together this video after the Women’s March on Washington . It seems kind of perfect for the current moment, and the slogan may turn out to be the Dems answer to MAGA!


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Ray Lesser
Ray Lesser
Sue, my wife, and I created The Funny Times in 1985. Before that I was born, learned to bowl, ate French Fries, and graduated from New College in Florida, which is now becoming infamous as the school that Ron DeSantis is trying to turn into a state-run factory for majors in Anti-Disneyism. Then I hitchhiked around the country, played music for drinks and tips, and spent many hours as a dishwasher and parking lot attendant while trying to write the Great American Novel.


  1. I have been a subscriber since the late 1980s, and still have most of the issues. I have resisted going digital-only with the Funny Times, mostly because of my continued enjoyment of the one publication I still receive in printed form (I have many digital subscriptions to newspapers and magazines).
    However, the music video (We’re Not Going Back) is only available here, and I loved it! Thank you for the work that you have put into this obvious project of love, and for the years of enjoyment it has brought to your subscribers.

  2. We may have the same last name, but I’m not related to Richard above! A friend gave and keeps giving me Funny Times as a gift and I save every issue so I can share them with people who need a laugh, and we all do in these grim times. Thank you so much for We’re Not Going Back, Ray and Renae! It’s so wonderful to see all the unity going way back and inspiring more. I hope that it is OK to share it because that’s what I’m doing.

  3. Ray and Renae, That is a beautiful song and amazing video. I didn’t know Ray was a songwriter! It has a timeless quality and I love the slogan, “In your guts, you know he’s nuts!” That could easily work again. Wow.

  4. Great video & message — wish the rest of the comics in Funny Times would show more spine and attack the Orange freak explicitly…!

  5. I too have been a subscriber for many years, and always look forward to the next issue. Thanks to all the great artists and writers who contribute! I don’t save my issues, but pass them on to other wonderful people of like minds who also pass them along! Thank you all for giving us the hope and laughs we sooo badly need these days! And this video was GREAT!!!!

  6. I could have sworn I began subscribing while still teaching at KSU, but I left there in 1984, so obviously my memory is fuzzy. [Did I mention I was at KSU?] Anyhow, love the video!
    Regardless of whether the Great American Novel got lost in the confusion, you have found your True Calling Ray – and all of us are better off for your efforts and creativity.


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