Cartoons About Autumn . Halloween . Hair. Clutter. Racism and more!
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With cartoons by: Isabella Bannerman, Bizarro, Harry Bliss, Ruben Bolling, Matt Bors, Martin Bucella, Jack Compère, Dave Coverly, George Danby, Millard Draudt, J.C. Duffy, Tim Eagan, Steve Greenberg, Jeff Hobbs, Randy Klutts, Keith Knight, L.J. Kopf, Sara Lautman, Mary Lawton, Carol Lay, Scott Masear, Brian McFadden, Steve McGinn, Chris Monroe, P.S. Mueller, Drew Panckeri, Rina Piccolo, K.A. Polzin, Hilary Price, Andy Singer, Anne Skove, Jen Sorensen, Mark Stivers, Ward Sutton, Tom Toles, Tom Tomorrow, Brad Veley, Shannon Wheeler, Matt Wuerker, Zippy, Adam Zyglis . . . and lots more!
In This Issue:
Personal Success Strategies
By Raymond Lesser
The Great Upwising – Swami Speaks Out On Political Climate Change
By Swami Beyondananda
Lost In Space
By Stacia Friedman
The Borowitz Report
By Andy Borowitz
Taking Trebek’s Job
By Greg Schwem
Hair To Dye For
By Tim Jones
When Students Grade The Teacher
By Bill Spencer
Adventures In Advanced Parenting: Piercings
By Gretchen Volk
Racists Can Finally Come Out Of The Closet
By Chris Hume
Battle Of The D.C. Network Stars
By Will Durst
The First Fire
By Craig Idlebrook
Garage Sale, Next Saturday
By Bil Lepp
Dealing With Clutter: American -Style
By Kate Deimling
Adult Maintenance Schedule
By David Martin
Cartoons about Babies
Curmudgeon looks at Sleep
Cartoons about Halloween
Dave Maleckar’s 100 Word Rant
News Of The Weird
Harper’s Index
News & Political Cartoons
I’m a long-time subscriber (must be close to 30 years). I gave my October issue to a friend. In the issue was a cartoon about tv shows for 2018. One show mentioned was the Real House Husbands of Sheboygan. Can you send me a jpeg of that cartoon, or a link to it? I live in Sheboygan and would love to share that image with my friends. Thank you!