Well, This Is Me is the debut cartoon collection from Asher Perlman (The Late Show with Stephen Colbert), who NPR’s Scott Simon calls “one of today’s great New Yorker cartoonists.”
A blend of Asher’s classics and never-before-seen material, this collection gives the people what they want: universal health care. Okay, not that, but something almost as important: a delightful book, chock-full of over 150 cartoons about everything from a dog’s encounter with a genie to the Tin Man’s trip to Jiffy Lube. Conveniently broken up into thematic chapters, Well, This Is Me: A Cartoon Collection from The New Yorker’s Asher Perlman explores traditional comedy playgrounds, like travel and work, as well as more lighthearted subjects, like death and dying. Point is: this book has a little something for everyone.
We met with cartoonist, comedian, and writer Asher Perlman about his new book. Here’s a sneak peek!
Q: Have you always drawn cartoons? If so, what were you like as a budding artist?
A: I’ve always loved drawing, but I really only started cartooning in my twenties. As for how I would describe myself as a budding artist, I would say: “bad at drawing hands.” Incidentally, this is also how I would characterize myself as a professional artist.
Q: How do your family and friends feel about having a cartoonist around- and do you ever put your real life into your work?
A: My family and friends are very nice and loving! And I’m sure to reward them for their support by sitting silently in the corner at social gatherings, drawing on my iPad.And yes, I definitely put my real life into my work. In fact, I would say the line between the two has blurred so much over the years that it’s practically gone. What I’m saying is: my real-life doctor is a talking dog.
Q: Who are your favorite cartoonists and influences- who makes you laugh?
A: This is going to sound corny, but my biggest influences are my friends. The community of New Yorker cartoonists is so funny and supportive and I legit feel incredibly honored to be a part of it.
Q: If you could be anywhere right now, where would it be?
A: Talking to the Funny Times about my book!